Ex is the fourth root to be featured on the Resource Room found often in scientific contexts.
Some of these words have more than one possible meaning, or different connotations used in different settings. Take the time to explore these!
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
verb: to leave
noun: a way out
an exit ramp and a way to exit where you are
What are 10 different ways to exit from something or somewhere? Say how you're exiting, and what you're exiting from
to use up entirely ("exhaust our supply of pencils") or use up one's energy and become "exhausted"
the escape of gas or vapor (car or bus exhaust)
1. An exhausted person. Write beneath the picture how you know the person is exhausted.
2. car or bus exhaust - label the "exhaust."
What are three ways you could tell someone was exhausted?
to send out a message, usually in words. (I expressed my opinion when I told him I thought he had been very brave)
a fast and direct way to get from one place to another without stopping (the 'express bus'
1. Someone expressing him/herself
2. An express route
What are five ways to express yourself?
to burst forth suddenly and violently from internal energy ("the bottle of soda exploded")
something exploding
What are three different things that could explode?
to open out, spread out, get bigger ("he expanded his arms," "you need to expand this report from a paragraph to 3 pages" "the balloon expanded as I blew it up... then it exploded!")
something expanding
ship out to another place (such as cars from Japan to U.S.A., grain from U.S.A. to another country)
something being exported
What are three ways to export something from one country to another?
no longer existing (an animal) OR
no longer active (volcano)
An extinct volcano
What is one animal that is extinct?
hard supporting structure that is on the outside of an animal. For insects, their crunchy shell is their "exoskeleton."
an animal with exoskeleton an exoskeleton
What is one advantage that an exoskeleton has over having bones on the inside?
going outside a limit (excessive speed, excessive eating)
Someone doing something excessive
What are three things that it can be dangerous to do excessively, and why?
to ooze or send out or spread in all directions (we exude sweat when we exercise heavily, a car could exude oil, or someone could be said to "exude anger" by clenching his fist, frowning, growling, etc.)
something exuding something
How could you tell if someone were "exuding sadness?"
to close out, not let in (a window screen to exclude flies, a rule to exclude young children from a club)
A sign about excluding something
Complete these sentences with the ex - word. Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
exit exclude exuding excessive extinct express exhausted explode expand export exoskeleton
1. You had better be sure that volcano is ____extinct____ before you move near it!
2. I knew the car had a problem by the way it was ____exuding____ oil.
3.You will have to ___exclude____ the names of the people in your report because they do not want people to know who they are.
4.We gave the food and water to the hurricane victims until our supplies were____exhaust____.
5.How can I ____express____ how much I love the mountains?
6. I thought that having 500 pairs of shoes was a bit ____excessive____
7. If we have too many shirts to sell here, we can always ___export___ them to other countries.
8. We decided to ____expand____ the book from two chapters to ten.
9. There are no beetles the size of cars because the ____exoskeleton____ of beetles would make their bodies too heavy to move, or would crush their insides.
10. The fire department requires ____exit____ signs in public buildings so people can find their way out.
11. The science teacher was planning to ____explode____ a test tube in the lab today, so we all wore goggles and got ready to duck.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 29, 2010
English Worksheet ( Set 11 )
Therm is the second root featured on the Resource Room found often in scientific contexts.
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
thing to measure temperature (amount of heat)
Two different kinds of thermometers
What do you think the "meter" part of "thermometer" might mean?
having to do with heat or conserving heat ('thermal blanket,' 'thermal underwear')
a "thermal" object
Why is 'thermal underwear' called that?
machine that keeps something at the same temperature (or 'heat level'); "stat" means 'same.'
a thermostat (there may be one on the wall where you are).
What would you have to do if you didn't have a thermostat?
heat coming from the earth (remember from the 'logy' group that geo means earth); volcanoes and hot springs are examples of geothermal heat sources.
a source of geothermal energy
Where are two places where geothermal energy can be found?
when the body's temperature goes below normal
someone with hypothermia
What are two ways a person could develop hypothermia?
What do you think "hypo" means?
when the body gets too hot (such as during heat stroke or a high fever)
someone with hyperthermia
What are two ways a person could develop hyperthermia?
What do you think "hyper" means?
change in an atom's nucleus that requires a very high temperature, such as in a hydrogen bomb or in the sun
a place where thermonuclear action is happening
What would happen if a thermonuclear bomb went off?
a container designed to keep heat in or out to keep food at a desired temperature
a Thermos
What are three different foods that would likely be kept in a Thermos?
a line on a map showing where the temperature is the same along that line
an isotherm (you might want to look in an encyclopedia)
What kind of job (-ologist) would be interested in isotherms? (See "-logy" words)
taking heat into itself (making it get colder because it's taking heat away)
Draw two test tubes with thermometers in them - one before, one after an endothermic reaction
Why is the second test tube colder than the first one?
sending heat out (getting hot to the touch) - much more familiar than endothermic reactions - and getting warmer.
Draw two test tubes with thermometers in them -- one before, one after an exothermic reaction
Why is the second test tube warmer than the first one
Complete these sentences with the "therm" word that fits. Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
1. Getting wet on a cool day and staying out side can lead to ____hypothermia____
2. You can get a ____thermometer____ that will measure temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
3. I have a ___thermos____ full of coffee, piping hot.
4. A ___thermal____ blanket is designed to add a warm layer for cold weather, but not be too warm in warm weather.
5.The ____thermometer_____ showed that it was 32 degrees in Boston, Massachusetts and 30 miles north of Cleveland, Ohio.
6.A ___thermonuclear____ bomb does more damage than other kinds of bombs, but is very expensive to make.
7. Spending too much time in the hot sun can cause ____hyperthermia____ , which can be fatal.
8. That ____endothermic____ reaction got very, very cold.
9. Setting off a thermonuclear bomb is an example of an ____exothermic____ reaction because it sends out a lot of heat.
10. In Greenland, ____geothermal____ energy from hot springs is used to heat houses.
11. A tree farmer might want to study ____isothermal____
12.. That's an interesting rock! A ___geotherlogist____ could tell you what it is.
13. The ____thermostat____ in my car broke, so it overheated.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
Therm is the second root featured on the Resource Room found often in scientific contexts.
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
thing to measure temperature (amount of heat)
Two different kinds of thermometers
What do you think the "meter" part of "thermometer" might mean?
having to do with heat or conserving heat ('thermal blanket,' 'thermal underwear')
a "thermal" object
Why is 'thermal underwear' called that?
machine that keeps something at the same temperature (or 'heat level'); "stat" means 'same.'
a thermostat (there may be one on the wall where you are).
What would you have to do if you didn't have a thermostat?
heat coming from the earth (remember from the 'logy' group that geo means earth); volcanoes and hot springs are examples of geothermal heat sources.
a source of geothermal energy
Where are two places where geothermal energy can be found?
when the body's temperature goes below normal
someone with hypothermia
What are two ways a person could develop hypothermia?
What do you think "hypo" means?
when the body gets too hot (such as during heat stroke or a high fever)
someone with hyperthermia
What are two ways a person could develop hyperthermia?
What do you think "hyper" means?
change in an atom's nucleus that requires a very high temperature, such as in a hydrogen bomb or in the sun
a place where thermonuclear action is happening
What would happen if a thermonuclear bomb went off?
a container designed to keep heat in or out to keep food at a desired temperature
a Thermos
What are three different foods that would likely be kept in a Thermos?
a line on a map showing where the temperature is the same along that line
an isotherm (you might want to look in an encyclopedia)
What kind of job (-ologist) would be interested in isotherms? (See "-logy" words)
taking heat into itself (making it get colder because it's taking heat away)
Draw two test tubes with thermometers in them - one before, one after an endothermic reaction
Why is the second test tube colder than the first one?
sending heat out (getting hot to the touch) - much more familiar than endothermic reactions - and getting warmer.
Draw two test tubes with thermometers in them -- one before, one after an exothermic reaction
Why is the second test tube warmer than the first one
Complete these sentences with the "therm" word that fits. Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
1. Getting wet on a cool day and staying out side can lead to ____hypothermia____
2. You can get a ____thermometer____ that will measure temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
3. I have a ___thermos____ full of coffee, piping hot.
4. A ___thermal____ blanket is designed to add a warm layer for cold weather, but not be too warm in warm weather.
5.The ____thermometer_____ showed that it was 32 degrees in Boston, Massachusetts and 30 miles north of Cleveland, Ohio.
6.A ___thermonuclear____ bomb does more damage than other kinds of bombs, but is very expensive to make.
7. Spending too much time in the hot sun can cause ____hyperthermia____ , which can be fatal.
8. That ____endothermic____ reaction got very, very cold.
9. Setting off a thermonuclear bomb is an example of an ____exothermic____ reaction because it sends out a lot of heat.
10. In Greenland, ____geothermal____ energy from hot springs is used to heat houses.
11. A tree farmer might want to study ____isothermal____
12.. That's an interesting rock! A ___geotherlogist____ could tell you what it is.
13. The ____thermostat____ in my car broke, so it overheated.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
English Worksheet ( Set 10 )
UN means NOT
There are several prefixes that mean "not" in one way or another. However, they are different, so sometimes you will have two different "not" suffixes in front of the same ending, and the two words will mean different things.
An "unarmed" man does not have a weapon. If the man is "Disarmed," then there was a weapon but it was taken away (and 'disarming' has several meanings). "Uninterested" means you "do not have the mind or feelings engaged." You're not involved; you don't care. "Disinterested," however, has come to mean "not having a selfish motive or interest." A "disinterested" person is good to help settle an argument.
Un- words are usually verbs (unplug or untie) or adjectives (untidy, unbreakable)
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
to take a plug out of; to disconnect from electricity, or to take out something blocking the way.
something unplugged from electricity AND an "unplugged" pipe.
What is "unplugged" music?
not tidy; not neat and orderly
an untidy place (room, desk, car)
What are three things an untidy person might do?
not able to be broken easily (like a sturdy plastic cup)
something unbreakable
What are two things that should be unbreakable, and why?
not having employment; not having a job, or the number of people in an area who don't have jobs
Draw something an unemployed person might be doing
What are two ways an unemployed person could look for a job?
not following any rules; hard to manage (unruly hair, unruly kids)
unruly hair OR unruly kids
What's something else that could be unruly?
not conditional, not limited; always there. "Unconditional love" means love whether the person is loved back or not, no matter what the other person does. "Unconditional surrender" means you give everything up.
What's the difference between an "unconditional surrender" and one with conditions? What might one of those conditions be? (You might want to draw this one)
not sure about something, or something not clearly one way or the other
uncertain weather
What is something you are uncertain about?
thinking of other people before yourself
someone doing something unselfish
What are three unselfish things a person could say or do?
"out of the question," going against what is reasonable, desirable, or probable; slavery is unthinkable now, but has not always been. The idea that my sister would forget to pay her bills is unthinkable because she just wouldn't ever do that.
Something unthinkable
What is something that is "unthinkable" to some people but not to others?
to remove a veil or covering; to make public (unveiling a painting for people to see; unveiling a new model of car)
something being unveiled
What are three things that could literally be unveiled? (Literally means you are actually taking a veil off of something.)
not conscious; not aware of what is going on; a person can be completely unconscious & knocked out, or just unconscious of something that is going on ('he was unconscious of the bus coming up behind him' doesn't mean he was knocked out cold, but just that he didn't know the bus was coming)
an unconscious person
What are two things you could be unconscious of even though you were awake and alert?
not guided or controlled by conscience - not caring at all whether something is right or wrong. "Using unconscionable sales practices" would mean doing things to sell your product that were clearly wrong
an unconscionable crime
What are three things you think are unconscionable?
Some other words you might see with "un" in them:
Sentence Practice:
Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
1. ____unemployment____ was a big problem in the Great Depression as many businesses shut down and people lost their jobs.
2. After a three week battle, the fort gave an ____unconditional____ surrender and was taken over.
3. When are you going to ____unveil____ your new painting?
4 I must have been ____unconscious____ during the whole movie -- I don't remember any of it!
5.The crowd at the game got so ____unruly____ that the game was stopped until they settled down.
6.If you are ____uncertain____ about which book to read, I will help you decide.
7. It's a good thing your dishes and furniture are ____unbreakable____ , with so many unruly children in the house!
8. Many people say you should ____unplug____ your computer in a thunderstorm so that lightning doesn't harm it.
9. It's just ___unthinkable____ that he would order roast beef -- he is a vegetarian!
10. It is hard to read or hear about the ____unconscionable____ crimes that some people have committed.
11. It's unthinkable that my neat brother would ever let his house get ___untidy____ .
12. He is the most ______________________ person I know - he would give everything he has away.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
UN means NOT
There are several prefixes that mean "not" in one way or another. However, they are different, so sometimes you will have two different "not" suffixes in front of the same ending, and the two words will mean different things.
An "unarmed" man does not have a weapon. If the man is "Disarmed," then there was a weapon but it was taken away (and 'disarming' has several meanings). "Uninterested" means you "do not have the mind or feelings engaged." You're not involved; you don't care. "Disinterested," however, has come to mean "not having a selfish motive or interest." A "disinterested" person is good to help settle an argument.
Un- words are usually verbs (unplug or untie) or adjectives (untidy, unbreakable)
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
to take a plug out of; to disconnect from electricity, or to take out something blocking the way.
something unplugged from electricity AND an "unplugged" pipe.
What is "unplugged" music?
not tidy; not neat and orderly
an untidy place (room, desk, car)
What are three things an untidy person might do?
not able to be broken easily (like a sturdy plastic cup)
something unbreakable
What are two things that should be unbreakable, and why?
not having employment; not having a job, or the number of people in an area who don't have jobs
Draw something an unemployed person might be doing
What are two ways an unemployed person could look for a job?
not following any rules; hard to manage (unruly hair, unruly kids)
unruly hair OR unruly kids
What's something else that could be unruly?
not conditional, not limited; always there. "Unconditional love" means love whether the person is loved back or not, no matter what the other person does. "Unconditional surrender" means you give everything up.
What's the difference between an "unconditional surrender" and one with conditions? What might one of those conditions be? (You might want to draw this one)
not sure about something, or something not clearly one way or the other
uncertain weather
What is something you are uncertain about?
thinking of other people before yourself
someone doing something unselfish
What are three unselfish things a person could say or do?
"out of the question," going against what is reasonable, desirable, or probable; slavery is unthinkable now, but has not always been. The idea that my sister would forget to pay her bills is unthinkable because she just wouldn't ever do that.
Something unthinkable
What is something that is "unthinkable" to some people but not to others?
to remove a veil or covering; to make public (unveiling a painting for people to see; unveiling a new model of car)
something being unveiled
What are three things that could literally be unveiled? (Literally means you are actually taking a veil off of something.)
not conscious; not aware of what is going on; a person can be completely unconscious & knocked out, or just unconscious of something that is going on ('he was unconscious of the bus coming up behind him' doesn't mean he was knocked out cold, but just that he didn't know the bus was coming)
an unconscious person
What are two things you could be unconscious of even though you were awake and alert?
not guided or controlled by conscience - not caring at all whether something is right or wrong. "Using unconscionable sales practices" would mean doing things to sell your product that were clearly wrong
an unconscionable crime
What are three things you think are unconscionable?
Some other words you might see with "un" in them:
Sentence Practice:
Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
1. ____unemployment____ was a big problem in the Great Depression as many businesses shut down and people lost their jobs.
2. After a three week battle, the fort gave an ____unconditional____ surrender and was taken over.
3. When are you going to ____unveil____ your new painting?
4 I must have been ____unconscious____ during the whole movie -- I don't remember any of it!
5.The crowd at the game got so ____unruly____ that the game was stopped until they settled down.
6.If you are ____uncertain____ about which book to read, I will help you decide.
7. It's a good thing your dishes and furniture are ____unbreakable____ , with so many unruly children in the house!
8. Many people say you should ____unplug____ your computer in a thunderstorm so that lightning doesn't harm it.
9. It's just ___unthinkable____ that he would order roast beef -- he is a vegetarian!
10. It is hard to read or hear about the ____unconscionable____ crimes that some people have committed.
11. It's unthinkable that my neat brother would ever let his house get ___untidy____ .
12. He is the most ______________________ person I know - he would give everything he has away.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
English Worksheet ( Set 9 )
This is a common prefix that can be connected to fairly common words as well as more challenging ones. Both are included in this list.
Note that 'before' can have to do with time *or* space. To "predict" is say something will happen before it does; but to "present" something to you is to place it before you in space.
"Pre" can have other meanings than "before," though (as in the words prevail, pretend, prehensile, and prevaricate).
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
To tell what one thinks will happen in the future, such as the weather, peoples' behavior, or the outcome of a contest.
Someone predicting something
What are two things you would like to be able to predict?
To keep something from happening before it happens, such as a window being broken or a person catching a cold
Someone preventing something (and explain what it is)
What are three things you would like to be able to prevent?
a view or showing ahead of time such as "previews" of a movie
Something being previewed (and explain what it is)
What is something besides a movie or TV show that you could preview?
care or an action taken ahead of time against danger or failure, such as locking the door as a precaution against theft.
An example of something done as a "precaution"
What are four examples of precautions for four different things?
To choose first or like better (such as preferring vacation over school)
Something you would prefer to do
What are three things you prefer doing?
happening or coming before; such as "on the previous page," meaning the page before, or "in a previous class," meaning some class before this one
What are three things you learned in previous classes?
before birth, or during pregnancy
A "prenatal" baby
What would "prenatal care" mean?
Owned by someone else before now; "used."
A pre-owned car
What are three things people often buy "pre-owned?"
a part that comes before something else, such as a prelude to a piece of music, or dark clouds as a prelude to a storm.
A prelude to an event you enjoy
What are three examples of "preludes?"
having your attention already taken up by something, so you are not paying attention to what is happening around you. For example, if you are preoccupied with a test that is coming, you might not pay attention to what people are saying to you.
Someone who is preoccupied
What are three things someone who is "preoccupied" might say?
a book or story or movie that is set before something that has already been written. For example, the "Star Wars" series had a prequel set before the first Star Wars movie, where you found out about earlier times and people. The sixth book in the Chronicles of Narnia is a prequel because it tells how Narnia began, even though that book was written after other stories about Narnia.
A scene from the prequel to *your* life story.
Why would someone write a prequel?
to make something more likely to happen, before it does. For example, not getting enough sleep predisposes people to catching colds or being grumpy. (It is the opposite of taking precautions.) If a person is "predisposed" to act a certain way (such as to agree with others), they are already more likely to act that way than some other way.
Someone who is predisposed to win a marathon
What are three things you could do so that you were predisposed to get good grades?
an introductory statement before an important statement. The preamble to the constitution explains why the people of the U.S. thought they needed one.
How is a preamble like a prelude?
to take over something, (such as by getting in front of anyone else who would want it or being more important). Examples: to take over someone's land, to take over a group of people, or for one TV show to replace another (such as a news story or baseball game preempting a regular show).
Something being preempted
What are two things you would not like to be preempted?
Introductory remarks
Where in a book would you find or put the preface?
before the evening meal
Someone doing something "preprandially"
What are two of your favorite preprandial activities?
Here are some other words where "pre" means before
pretext, predecessor, preconception, precede, preclude, precognition, preliminary, premeditate, premature, premonition, prenuptial, preordain, prerogative, prerequisite
Complete these sentences with the "pre" word. Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
predict, prevent, preview, precaution, prefer, previous, prenatal, pre-owned, prelude, preoccupied, prequel, predisposed, preempt, preface, preprandial
1. I like to take a ___prepandial___ walk to work up my appetite for dinner.
2. I don't like it when the networks ___preempt___ my favorite TV shows because of sports.
3. One of the jobs of the meteorologist on the news is to ___predict___ tomorrow's weather.
4. Just as a ___precaution___ , I always lock the car doors when I am driving.
5. Which of these coats do you ___prefer___ to wear tonight?
6. I don't think Mike heard a word I said because he was so ___preoccupied___ about his sick sister.
7. We got to the concert at the symphony hall just in time -- we barely sat down before the conductor started the ___prelude____ .
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
This is a common prefix that can be connected to fairly common words as well as more challenging ones. Both are included in this list.
Note that 'before' can have to do with time *or* space. To "predict" is say something will happen before it does; but to "present" something to you is to place it before you in space.
"Pre" can have other meanings than "before," though (as in the words prevail, pretend, prehensile, and prevaricate).
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
To tell what one thinks will happen in the future, such as the weather, peoples' behavior, or the outcome of a contest.
Someone predicting something
What are two things you would like to be able to predict?
To keep something from happening before it happens, such as a window being broken or a person catching a cold
Someone preventing something (and explain what it is)
What are three things you would like to be able to prevent?
a view or showing ahead of time such as "previews" of a movie
Something being previewed (and explain what it is)
What is something besides a movie or TV show that you could preview?
care or an action taken ahead of time against danger or failure, such as locking the door as a precaution against theft.
An example of something done as a "precaution"
What are four examples of precautions for four different things?
To choose first or like better (such as preferring vacation over school)
Something you would prefer to do
What are three things you prefer doing?
happening or coming before; such as "on the previous page," meaning the page before, or "in a previous class," meaning some class before this one
What are three things you learned in previous classes?
before birth, or during pregnancy
A "prenatal" baby
What would "prenatal care" mean?
Owned by someone else before now; "used."
A pre-owned car
What are three things people often buy "pre-owned?"
a part that comes before something else, such as a prelude to a piece of music, or dark clouds as a prelude to a storm.
A prelude to an event you enjoy
What are three examples of "preludes?"
having your attention already taken up by something, so you are not paying attention to what is happening around you. For example, if you are preoccupied with a test that is coming, you might not pay attention to what people are saying to you.
Someone who is preoccupied
What are three things someone who is "preoccupied" might say?
a book or story or movie that is set before something that has already been written. For example, the "Star Wars" series had a prequel set before the first Star Wars movie, where you found out about earlier times and people. The sixth book in the Chronicles of Narnia is a prequel because it tells how Narnia began, even though that book was written after other stories about Narnia.
A scene from the prequel to *your* life story.
Why would someone write a prequel?
to make something more likely to happen, before it does. For example, not getting enough sleep predisposes people to catching colds or being grumpy. (It is the opposite of taking precautions.) If a person is "predisposed" to act a certain way (such as to agree with others), they are already more likely to act that way than some other way.
Someone who is predisposed to win a marathon
What are three things you could do so that you were predisposed to get good grades?
an introductory statement before an important statement. The preamble to the constitution explains why the people of the U.S. thought they needed one.
How is a preamble like a prelude?
to take over something, (such as by getting in front of anyone else who would want it or being more important). Examples: to take over someone's land, to take over a group of people, or for one TV show to replace another (such as a news story or baseball game preempting a regular show).
Something being preempted
What are two things you would not like to be preempted?
Introductory remarks
Where in a book would you find or put the preface?
before the evening meal
Someone doing something "preprandially"
What are two of your favorite preprandial activities?
Here are some other words where "pre" means before
pretext, predecessor, preconception, precede, preclude, precognition, preliminary, premeditate, premature, premonition, prenuptial, preordain, prerogative, prerequisite
Complete these sentences with the "pre" word. Be sure to mix these sentences with words learned in previous lessons.
predict, prevent, preview, precaution, prefer, previous, prenatal, pre-owned, prelude, preoccupied, prequel, predisposed, preempt, preface, preprandial
1. I like to take a ___prepandial___ walk to work up my appetite for dinner.
2. I don't like it when the networks ___preempt___ my favorite TV shows because of sports.
3. One of the jobs of the meteorologist on the news is to ___predict___ tomorrow's weather.
4. Just as a ___precaution___ , I always lock the car doors when I am driving.
5. Which of these coats do you ___prefer___ to wear tonight?
6. I don't think Mike heard a word I said because he was so ___preoccupied___ about his sick sister.
7. We got to the concert at the symphony hall just in time -- we barely sat down before the conductor started the ___prelude____ .
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
English Worksheet ( Set 8 )
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
to throw out of, like a videotape from a VCR or a player from a baseball game
something being ejected
What are 3 examples of things or people being ejected?
to shoot into something, like a needle injecting insulin
something being injected
to fail to accept, or to throw back (like a fish that is too small)
something rejected or thrown back
What are 2 examples of things or people being rejected?
something being thrown, like an arrow or a cannon. Projectile can also be the path taken by something being thrown
a projectile smaller than a football or larger than you
What are three things that could be projectiles?
speculation - "throwing forward" a possible idea to think about
What are three things people make conjectures about besides the weather?
total and hopeless (as if thrown down); abject poverty is the state of being hopelessly poor
someone feeling abject fear
What would a man in abject fear say?
What might a man say in abject love?
Some other words you might see with "ject" in them:
Choose one of the "ject" words to complete the sentence.
1. My VCR will not ___eject___ my tape.
2. The pen became a ___projectile___ when it was thrown across the room.
3. A diabetic may have to ___inject___ insulin with a needle.
4. Do you really know they will get married, or is that just ___conjecture___?
5. The school will automatically ___reject___ your application if you don't pay the fee first.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
1. Write the word
2. Write what it means
3. Draw a picture to go with it
4. Answer the question about it.
meaning and example
what to draw
question to answer
(you may draw your answer, too)
to throw out of, like a videotape from a VCR or a player from a baseball game
something being ejected
What are 3 examples of things or people being ejected?
to shoot into something, like a needle injecting insulin
something being injected
to fail to accept, or to throw back (like a fish that is too small)
something rejected or thrown back
What are 2 examples of things or people being rejected?
something being thrown, like an arrow or a cannon. Projectile can also be the path taken by something being thrown
a projectile smaller than a football or larger than you
What are three things that could be projectiles?
speculation - "throwing forward" a possible idea to think about
What are three things people make conjectures about besides the weather?
total and hopeless (as if thrown down); abject poverty is the state of being hopelessly poor
someone feeling abject fear
What would a man in abject fear say?
What might a man say in abject love?
Some other words you might see with "ject" in them:
Choose one of the "ject" words to complete the sentence.
1. My VCR will not ___eject___ my tape.
2. The pen became a ___projectile___ when it was thrown across the room.
3. A diabetic may have to ___inject___ insulin with a needle.
4. Do you really know they will get married, or is that just ___conjecture___?
5. The school will automatically ___reject___ your application if you don't pay the fee first.
copyright © 1998-2004 Susan Jones, Resource Room. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Reflections on Lamb to the slaughter
I feel that acting Lamb to the slaughter was a good experience for me. Ms Kala taught us the basic acting which I think will prove useful as an additional skill. The problems faced by our groups were:
1. No specific date which we rehearse the full play
2. We could not remember the lines we had to say
3. It was hard not to laugh when we were acting
4. It was hard not to face our backs to the audience while acting
Our performance:
I feel that our performance was not very good, because we were unable to remember most of our lines and we kept laughing during the act. I feel that our play was also quite good because we managed to get all the props though not all resembles the real things.
What we learnt:
I feel that we learnt a lot of things. We learnt basic acting and the DO’s and DON'TS
of acting. I learnt that we need teamwork to do many things, including acting. I feel that this acting was enjoyable, and it also made us learn the importance of teamwork and we need practice for everything we do. Overall, I feel that this acting was a good experience for us.
1. No specific date which we rehearse the full play
2. We could not remember the lines we had to say
3. It was hard not to laugh when we were acting
4. It was hard not to face our backs to the audience while acting
Our performance:
I feel that our performance was not very good, because we were unable to remember most of our lines and we kept laughing during the act. I feel that our play was also quite good because we managed to get all the props though not all resembles the real things.
What we learnt:
I feel that we learnt a lot of things. We learnt basic acting and the DO’s and DON'TS
of acting. I learnt that we need teamwork to do many things, including acting. I feel that this acting was enjoyable, and it also made us learn the importance of teamwork and we need practice for everything we do. Overall, I feel that this acting was a good experience for us.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Script for Lamb to the slaughter
Patrick Maloney - Cheng Tong Wen
Patrick Maloney's thoughts - Linus Ng
Mary Maloney - Zac Lee
Mary Maloney's thoughts - Joel Koh
MM = Mary Maloney
PM = Patrick Maloney
MM:looks around
MM(inner voice):"the room is clean, I'm just gonna wait before he comes home"
MM:looks at the clock
MM(inner voice):"ah! It is almost time he comes back home"
MM:cups her ear
PM:comes into the room in a coat
MM:"hullo darling"
PM:"hullo darling"
MM:takes coat out from PM
MM:goes to the table and pours some whiskey into two cups
PM:"thank you"
PM(inner voice):"hmm... I think I should tell her that later"
MM:sits down and continue sewing again
PM:make a funny shape of the mouth and breathe out loudly
PM(innter voice):should I tell her that now?
MM(inner voice):maybe he is tired
MM:"Tired darling?"
PM:"yes, I'm tired"
PM:lifts glass and drink up all the whiskey
PM(inner voice):maybe I should tell her that now but how do I break the news to her?
MM:shoots a curious look
PM(inner voice):"I think I should get more whiskey"
PM:stands up and start to walk towards the table
MM:"I'll get it!" Jumps up
PM:"sit down"
MM(inner voice):"what's wrong with him, he isn't behaving usually today"
MM:"darling,should I get your slippers?"
MM:watches PM drink whiskey
MM(inner voice):"whoa, he usually don't drink that much whiskey."
MM:"I think it's a shame, that when a policeman gets to be as senior as you they keep him walking about on his feet all day long"
MM:continue sewing
PM:keep drinking
PM(inner voice):"should i tell her now?"
MM:"darling, would you like to get you some cheese? I haven't made any supper because it's Thursday"
MM:"If you are too tired to eat out, it's still not too late. There's plenty of meat and sutff in the freezer, and you can have it right here and not even move out of the chair"
MM:gives PM a curious look
PM:don't move
MM:"anyway, I'll get you some cheese and crackers first"
PM:"I don't want it!"
MM(inner voice):"But you have to eat something!"
MM:"But you must eat! I'll fix it anyway, and then you can have it or not, as you like"
MM:stand up and put sewing kit on the sofa
PM(inner voice):"I guess I'll just have to break the news now."
PM:"sit down, jus for a minute"
MM:slowly sits down
PM:"go on, sit down"
MM(inner voice): what is he doing?
PM:finishes the whiskey
PM:"listen, I've got something to tell you"
MM:"what is it darling? What's the matter?"
PM:keeps head low
MM(inner voice):"what's he going to tell me?"
PM:"this is going to a bit of a shock to you. I'm afraid. But I've thought about it a good deal and I've decided the only thing to do is tell you right away. I hope you won't blame me too much."
PM(inner voice):"Here we go"
PM:takes a deep breath and starts talking
MM: looks shocked with mouth opened widely
PM:"so there it is, I know it is a bad time to be telling you this, but there's simply wasn't any other way. Of course I'll give you money and see you're looked after. But there needn't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn't be good for my job."
MM:I'll get the supper(whisper)
MM:takes the leg of lamb from the freezer
PM(inner voice):"I don't want supper"
PM:"For God's sake, don't make supper for me. I'm going out"
MM:whacks PM with the leg of lamb
PM:falls to the ground
Patrick Maloney's thoughts - Linus Ng
Mary Maloney - Zac Lee
Mary Maloney's thoughts - Joel Koh
MM = Mary Maloney
PM = Patrick Maloney
MM:looks around
MM(inner voice):"the room is clean, I'm just gonna wait before he comes home"
MM:looks at the clock
MM(inner voice):"ah! It is almost time he comes back home"
MM:cups her ear
PM:comes into the room in a coat
MM:"hullo darling"
PM:"hullo darling"
MM:takes coat out from PM
MM:goes to the table and pours some whiskey into two cups
PM:"thank you"
PM(inner voice):"hmm... I think I should tell her that later"
MM:sits down and continue sewing again
PM:make a funny shape of the mouth and breathe out loudly
PM(innter voice):should I tell her that now?
MM(inner voice):maybe he is tired
MM:"Tired darling?"
PM:"yes, I'm tired"
PM:lifts glass and drink up all the whiskey
PM(inner voice):maybe I should tell her that now but how do I break the news to her?
MM:shoots a curious look
PM(inner voice):"I think I should get more whiskey"
PM:stands up and start to walk towards the table
MM:"I'll get it!" Jumps up
PM:"sit down"
MM(inner voice):"what's wrong with him, he isn't behaving usually today"
MM:"darling,should I get your slippers?"
MM:watches PM drink whiskey
MM(inner voice):"whoa, he usually don't drink that much whiskey."
MM:"I think it's a shame, that when a policeman gets to be as senior as you they keep him walking about on his feet all day long"
MM:continue sewing
PM:keep drinking
PM(inner voice):"should i tell her now?"
MM:"darling, would you like to get you some cheese? I haven't made any supper because it's Thursday"
MM:"If you are too tired to eat out, it's still not too late. There's plenty of meat and sutff in the freezer, and you can have it right here and not even move out of the chair"
MM:gives PM a curious look
PM:don't move
MM:"anyway, I'll get you some cheese and crackers first"
PM:"I don't want it!"
MM(inner voice):"But you have to eat something!"
MM:"But you must eat! I'll fix it anyway, and then you can have it or not, as you like"
MM:stand up and put sewing kit on the sofa
PM(inner voice):"I guess I'll just have to break the news now."
PM:"sit down, jus for a minute"
MM:slowly sits down
PM:"go on, sit down"
MM(inner voice): what is he doing?
PM:finishes the whiskey
PM:"listen, I've got something to tell you"
MM:"what is it darling? What's the matter?"
PM:keeps head low
MM(inner voice):"what's he going to tell me?"
PM:"this is going to a bit of a shock to you. I'm afraid. But I've thought about it a good deal and I've decided the only thing to do is tell you right away. I hope you won't blame me too much."
PM(inner voice):"Here we go"
PM:takes a deep breath and starts talking
MM: looks shocked with mouth opened widely
PM:"so there it is, I know it is a bad time to be telling you this, but there's simply wasn't any other way. Of course I'll give you money and see you're looked after. But there needn't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn't be good for my job."
MM:I'll get the supper(whisper)
MM:takes the leg of lamb from the freezer
PM(inner voice):"I don't want supper"
PM:"For God's sake, don't make supper for me. I'm going out"
MM:whacks PM with the leg of lamb
PM:falls to the ground
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Newsweek : Discussion & AQ Excerise - Terrorism
Newsweek : Discussion & AQ Excerise - Terrorism
My thoughts on “The terror begins at home” and “Turning the Taliban” on newsweek
The terror begins at home - The writer who wrote this article thinks that America's government is telling its citizens to believe in the government, while they do not make them mentally prepared for attacks. I think that Americans are shocked after what happened during 9/11. However I feel that they have to be prepared for such attacks.
Turning the Taliban - U.S is planning to lure away thousands of Taliban with offers of jobs and money, in exchange for peace. However, the young people says that it won't work. They are not willing to surrender for money, or enter any negotiations with their enemies. I feel that they will not surrender to anything because what they had suffered is too much.
From the articles, I learnt that we should always be physically and mentally prepared. We should be trained to handle such situations, for men there is national service, for women, what is there? By being prepared, we can reduce the damage caused by the terrorist if they successfully managed to get an attack on us. And Singaporeans should also know that money cannot buy everything.
My thoughts on “The terror begins at home” and “Turning the Taliban” on newsweek
The terror begins at home - The writer who wrote this article thinks that America's government is telling its citizens to believe in the government, while they do not make them mentally prepared for attacks. I think that Americans are shocked after what happened during 9/11. However I feel that they have to be prepared for such attacks.
Turning the Taliban - U.S is planning to lure away thousands of Taliban with offers of jobs and money, in exchange for peace. However, the young people says that it won't work. They are not willing to surrender for money, or enter any negotiations with their enemies. I feel that they will not surrender to anything because what they had suffered is too much.
From the articles, I learnt that we should always be physically and mentally prepared. We should be trained to handle such situations, for men there is national service, for women, what is there? By being prepared, we can reduce the damage caused by the terrorist if they successfully managed to get an attack on us. And Singaporeans should also know that money cannot buy everything.
Lamb to the slaughter : Diary Entry of Mary Maloney
Lamb to the slaughter : Diary Entry of Mary Maloney
Dear Diary,
Today is a miserable day for both you and me .Today I will mourn the death of my husband who wanted to leave me. At first , when he came home he seem normal and there was nothing particularly different from a normal day , it is only when,he sat on the couch and unusually drank two cups of whiskey(one normally made by me which he drank in two gulps and another made by himself which was strong).When I asked him if he wanted supper he also acted strangely insisting me not to get them.I was really quite shock at his strange reactions .Moments later he told me the bad news .At that moment ,I really thought that things will soon work out and we will be back to our normal lives.He crossed the line when he shouted at me not to give him supper.I was astonished and infuriated .I did not know what to do and I followed my natural instincs and slammed the leg of lamb ,that was supposedly his supper, on the back of his head.He was dead and I was regretful and happy at the same time.Happy that I have let my sorrows and anger out but regretful that my unborn child will be affected for my wrong doings.
So I had came up with a plan to cover up this incident .I had to find an alibi which I knew.Sam! I thought. Immediately, I practise my facial expression before leaving home to the supermarket.I completely acted normally at the supermarket.Task1 was complete.
When I reach back home I told myself there was no need to act if I see something unusual I would naturally be shocked.I came home and telephoned the police.They came to my house and analyse the problem they guaranteed my husband was dead and when to the supermarket to ask Sam if I was acting normally.I quite happy when I overheard the police saying that I was indeed acting normally at the supermarket.My second task was not that easy though.I would have to eliminate any evidence to get away with the crime.Before going to the supermarket ,I purposely cooked the leg of lamb in my oven.My job now was to feed the leg of lamb to the police officer.To my surprise they got tricked and they drank some whiskey and ate the leg of lamb too.Yes! I got away with the crime .I can't beleive I fooled the policeand for that I was overwhelmed with joy.
Dear Diary,
Today is a miserable day for both you and me .Today I will mourn the death of my husband who wanted to leave me. At first , when he came home he seem normal and there was nothing particularly different from a normal day , it is only when,he sat on the couch and unusually drank two cups of whiskey(one normally made by me which he drank in two gulps and another made by himself which was strong).When I asked him if he wanted supper he also acted strangely insisting me not to get them.I was really quite shock at his strange reactions .Moments later he told me the bad news .At that moment ,I really thought that things will soon work out and we will be back to our normal lives.He crossed the line when he shouted at me not to give him supper.I was astonished and infuriated .I did not know what to do and I followed my natural instincs and slammed the leg of lamb ,that was supposedly his supper, on the back of his head.He was dead and I was regretful and happy at the same time.Happy that I have let my sorrows and anger out but regretful that my unborn child will be affected for my wrong doings.
So I had came up with a plan to cover up this incident .I had to find an alibi which I knew.Sam! I thought. Immediately, I practise my facial expression before leaving home to the supermarket.I completely acted normally at the supermarket.Task1 was complete.
When I reach back home I told myself there was no need to act if I see something unusual I would naturally be shocked.I came home and telephoned the police.They came to my house and analyse the problem they guaranteed my husband was dead and when to the supermarket to ask Sam if I was acting normally.I quite happy when I overheard the police saying that I was indeed acting normally at the supermarket.My second task was not that easy though.I would have to eliminate any evidence to get away with the crime.Before going to the supermarket ,I purposely cooked the leg of lamb in my oven.My job now was to feed the leg of lamb to the police officer.To my surprise they got tricked and they drank some whiskey and ate the leg of lamb too.Yes! I got away with the crime .I can't beleive I fooled the policeand for that I was overwhelmed with joy.
Lamb to the slaughter : sentences
Lamb to the slaughter : Sentences :
For Maloney
1. Mary Maloney should not be given an immediate death sentence as she is pregnant with an innocent child .
2. Mary Maloney only killed her husband in the fit of her anger and she never plan the whole incident therefore should not be given death sentence but life imprisonment.
Against Mary Maloney
1. Mary Maloney tried to cover up the entire incident by finding an alibi and should be given a harsher sentence.
2. Mary Maloney lied to the police and should be given a harsher punishment.
For Maloney
1. Mary Maloney should not be given an immediate death sentence as she is pregnant with an innocent child .
2. Mary Maloney only killed her husband in the fit of her anger and she never plan the whole incident therefore should not be given death sentence but life imprisonment.
Against Mary Maloney
1. Mary Maloney tried to cover up the entire incident by finding an alibi and should be given a harsher sentence.
2. Mary Maloney lied to the police and should be given a harsher punishment.
Lamb to the slaughter
Lamb to the slaughter :
The Singapore Free Press
On 23 August 2010, a wife of a detective kills her husband when she knows that her husband was seeing another woman.He was killed with a lamb leg that was huge. Mrs Maloney was apparently planning of a method to get rid of her husband. She had tried to kill him in certain occasions but failed to .Mrs Maloney had knew about her huband's situation before she killed him.She made use of the oppurtunity when she purposely fed her husband two glasses of whiskey .When her husband was drowsy, she took the frozen meat and walk towards her husband. She killed him immediately when she swung it up and smack him.Mary Ma loney also had an accomplice which was the stall keeper at the convenient stall,Sam. He told the police that Mrs Maloney was acting normally when she was not.The leg of lamb was fed to the officers that were doing the investigation.The policemen could have been helping her as they did not ask her to get out of the apartment.The whole incident was planned and carried out carefully,the only people who figure that Mary Maloney was the murderer was the neighbours of Mrs Maloney's neighbour who felt that she was hiding something and approached the police.In the end she let the cat out of the bag when police interrogated her with whiskey and she blurted everything out.The murder was done 3 years ago .
The Singaporean
A young and delightful housewife Mrs Maloney,was charged of murder last tuesday .She was a very kind and wonderful person who was liked by many people. She was actually having a blissful evening when her husband told her that he had to leave her because of some unidentified reasons.She did not even thought of being angry at her husband until her husband shouted at her for making supper for him.Mrs Maloney only killed her huband because she was suddenly infuriated and did not know how to react to her husband sudden outburst. She was holding the frozen leg of lamb at that time .She tried to cover up the incident only because she was pregnant and thought for her child. She never had a plan of killing her husband .She tried to escape by finding an alibi and cooking the leg of lamb.She destroyed the evidence by feeding them to the police officers who were doing the investigation.Mrs maloney will be sentence to life inprisonment if found guilty.
The Singapore Free Press
On 23 August 2010, a wife of a detective kills her husband when she knows that her husband was seeing another woman.He was killed with a lamb leg that was huge. Mrs Maloney was apparently planning of a method to get rid of her husband. She had tried to kill him in certain occasions but failed to .Mrs Maloney had knew about her huband's situation before she killed him.She made use of the oppurtunity when she purposely fed her husband two glasses of whiskey .When her husband was drowsy, she took the frozen meat and walk towards her husband. She killed him immediately when she swung it up and smack him.Mary Ma loney also had an accomplice which was the stall keeper at the convenient stall,Sam. He told the police that Mrs Maloney was acting normally when she was not.The leg of lamb was fed to the officers that were doing the investigation.The policemen could have been helping her as they did not ask her to get out of the apartment.The whole incident was planned and carried out carefully,the only people who figure that Mary Maloney was the murderer was the neighbours of Mrs Maloney's neighbour who felt that she was hiding something and approached the police.In the end she let the cat out of the bag when police interrogated her with whiskey and she blurted everything out.The murder was done 3 years ago .
The Singaporean
A young and delightful housewife Mrs Maloney,was charged of murder last tuesday .She was a very kind and wonderful person who was liked by many people. She was actually having a blissful evening when her husband told her that he had to leave her because of some unidentified reasons.She did not even thought of being angry at her husband until her husband shouted at her for making supper for him.Mrs Maloney only killed her huband because she was suddenly infuriated and did not know how to react to her husband sudden outburst. She was holding the frozen leg of lamb at that time .She tried to cover up the incident only because she was pregnant and thought for her child. She never had a plan of killing her husband .She tried to escape by finding an alibi and cooking the leg of lamb.She destroyed the evidence by feeding them to the police officers who were doing the investigation.Mrs maloney will be sentence to life inprisonment if found guilty.
100 words why I prefer the book to the movie
100 words why I prefer the book to the movie :
The book was more action-packed and thrilling and full of suspense. The book also had a more detailed description of the action and the characters, it also had more characters than the movie. Although seeing it on the big screen makes it look more colourful and make it look nicer than the book, the book was still nicer as it had more battles and more mysteries and adventures. I feel that if the movie was fully based on the book, I would have prefered the movie, because of it's cool special effects and the fact that you can see it on the screen not visualising in your head. Overall, I like the book better because the storyline is better in the book than in the movie.
The book was more action-packed and thrilling and full of suspense. The book also had a more detailed description of the action and the characters, it also had more characters than the movie. Although seeing it on the big screen makes it look more colourful and make it look nicer than the book, the book was still nicer as it had more battles and more mysteries and adventures. I feel that if the movie was fully based on the book, I would have prefered the movie, because of it's cool special effects and the fact that you can see it on the screen not visualising in your head. Overall, I like the book better because the storyline is better in the book than in the movie.
A passage from the book
A passage from the book, Percy Jackson and the lightning thief:
"You have made an enemy, godling," he told me."You have sealed your fate.Every time u raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse.Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware."
"You have made an enemy, godling," he told me."You have sealed your fate.Every time u raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse.Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware."
10 differences between the movie and the book
10 differences between the movie and the book:
1.In the movie, his identidy of being the son of Poseidon was already known. However in the book, it was only after his father, Poseidon, gave him a sign than they knew that he was the son of Poseidon.
2.Ares was mentioned in the book but not mentioned in the movie.
3.Dionysus was mentioned in the book but not mentioned in the movie.
4.The helmet of darkness was mentioned in the book but not the movie.
5.The book mentioned Thalia, the daughter of Zeus, however it was not mentioned in the movie.
6.It was Ares who stole the lightning bolt in the book while it was luke who stole the lightning bolt in the movie.
7.Percy was 12 in the book but was 16 in the movie.
8.Percy was attacked by a huge snake in the book while was not in the movie.
9.The pearls were a gift from Poseidon to Percy in the book while in the movie it took them a long adventure to get the pearls.
10.Lukes cabin was shared by many,including Percy for a period of time, in the book however it was only used by him in the movie.
1.In the movie, his identidy of being the son of Poseidon was already known. However in the book, it was only after his father, Poseidon, gave him a sign than they knew that he was the son of Poseidon.
2.Ares was mentioned in the book but not mentioned in the movie.
3.Dionysus was mentioned in the book but not mentioned in the movie.
4.The helmet of darkness was mentioned in the book but not the movie.
5.The book mentioned Thalia, the daughter of Zeus, however it was not mentioned in the movie.
6.It was Ares who stole the lightning bolt in the book while it was luke who stole the lightning bolt in the movie.
7.Percy was 12 in the book but was 16 in the movie.
8.Percy was attacked by a huge snake in the book while was not in the movie.
9.The pearls were a gift from Poseidon to Percy in the book while in the movie it took them a long adventure to get the pearls.
10.Lukes cabin was shared by many,including Percy for a period of time, in the book however it was only used by him in the movie.
Percy Jackson Book and Movie Review
Percy Jackson Book and Movie Review:
The book : The Lightning Thief is a 2005 fantasy/adventure novel based on Greek mythology, the first young adult novel written by author Rick Riordan. It is the first book in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series, which charts the adventures of modern twelve-year-old Percy Jackson as he discovers he is a demigod, the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Poseidon. Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent an apocalyptic war between the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
The movie : Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (known as Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief in the UK and Australia) is a fantasy-adventure film directed by Chris Columbus. The film is a adaptation of The Lightning Thief, the first novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series by Rick Riordan. It stars Logan Lerman as the titular Percy Jackson alongside an ensemble cast which includes Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Rosario Dawson, Steve Coogan, Uma Thurman, Catherine Keener, Sean Bean and Pierce Brosnan.
Both of them is about percy jacson finding out that he was a demigod and going on an adventure to find the lightning bolt, the most powerful weopon on earth. On the way he meets monsters, such as the hydra,medusa,etc and fights with them to find 3 pearls which can teleport them from the underworld back to the earth as it was hard to get from the underworld back to the earth.
The book : The Lightning Thief is a 2005 fantasy/adventure novel based on Greek mythology, the first young adult novel written by author Rick Riordan. It is the first book in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series, which charts the adventures of modern twelve-year-old Percy Jackson as he discovers he is a demigod, the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Poseidon. Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent an apocalyptic war between the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
The movie : Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (known as Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief in the UK and Australia) is a fantasy-adventure film directed by Chris Columbus. The film is a adaptation of The Lightning Thief, the first novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series by Rick Riordan. It stars Logan Lerman as the titular Percy Jackson alongside an ensemble cast which includes Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Rosario Dawson, Steve Coogan, Uma Thurman, Catherine Keener, Sean Bean and Pierce Brosnan.
Both of them is about percy jacson finding out that he was a demigod and going on an adventure to find the lightning bolt, the most powerful weopon on earth. On the way he meets monsters, such as the hydra,medusa,etc and fights with them to find 3 pearls which can teleport them from the underworld back to the earth as it was hard to get from the underworld back to the earth.
10 questions on avatar
10 questions on avatar:
1.Why were the trees the same colour as the trees on Earth when all the other colours were different?
2.How do the humans get the oxygen they need to survive on the ship when the surroundings have no air?
3.Was the surroundings carbon dioxide and other gases?
4.How could the avatar survive without oxygen?
5.Were there more creatures other than the ones shown?
6.What was the inspiration for this plot?
7.How long did it take to film the movie?
8.How did the avatar know how to use the bow and the arrow?
9.How was the avatar educated that they could create a language of their own?
10.What was food for the avatar since they try as much as possible not to kill the animals?
Movie review : directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang. The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na'vi—a sentient humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora. War broke out between human kind and avatar. The human kind lost in the end of a long and bloody battle.
Reflections : I feel that avatar was an exciting, action-packed and suspensful movie. The part i like best is the part when the human kind fought the avatar and the avatar won. I feel that the special effects in this movie were terrific. It made me glue my eyes to the screen. I feel that the movie was a movie suitable for all ages. I think that no matter how young or old you are, you will still enjoy the movie. Even though the movie was the longest movie I have every watched, I would still prefer it to be longer because it was action-packed and not boring. I would like to watch a movie like this again. I hope that there will be more movies with the same good points, just different plots.
1.Why were the trees the same colour as the trees on Earth when all the other colours were different?
2.How do the humans get the oxygen they need to survive on the ship when the surroundings have no air?
3.Was the surroundings carbon dioxide and other gases?
4.How could the avatar survive without oxygen?
5.Were there more creatures other than the ones shown?
6.What was the inspiration for this plot?
7.How long did it take to film the movie?
8.How did the avatar know how to use the bow and the arrow?
9.How was the avatar educated that they could create a language of their own?
10.What was food for the avatar since they try as much as possible not to kill the animals?
Movie review : directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang. The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na'vi—a sentient humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora. War broke out between human kind and avatar. The human kind lost in the end of a long and bloody battle.
Reflections : I feel that avatar was an exciting, action-packed and suspensful movie. The part i like best is the part when the human kind fought the avatar and the avatar won. I feel that the special effects in this movie were terrific. It made me glue my eyes to the screen. I feel that the movie was a movie suitable for all ages. I think that no matter how young or old you are, you will still enjoy the movie. Even though the movie was the longest movie I have every watched, I would still prefer it to be longer because it was action-packed and not boring. I would like to watch a movie like this again. I hope that there will be more movies with the same good points, just different plots.
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